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Final Expense:

Final Expense:Final Expense insurance will cover you for life. With final expense insurance, prices are locked and will never increase nor will your policy end. These types of policies are designed to make sure all funeral and other end of life expenses are covered.

Indexed / Fixed Index Annuities

Indexed Universal Life:This is a type of permanent policy that allows the insured to accumulate cash value in addition to their death benefit. IUL insurance can be setup to help supplement your retirement plan.

Fixed Index Annuities: This is a safe way to participate in the market's gains while avoiding potential loses and keeping your retirement secure.

Mortgage Protection:

Mortgage Protection: Mortgage protection insurance is a way to protect one of your most valuable assets in the event of a death. Most terms are designed to give you a full return of premium if you outlive the policy. With mortgage life insurance protection, in the event of a death, the mortgage will be paid in full, so your family can keep the house.

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